Richard Stipl
CV - Biografía:
1968, Sternberk - República Checa
Vive y trabaja en Praga
1992 Ontario College of Art, Toronto - Honours Diploma and Governor General's Gold Medal
Exposiciones Individuales
2020 Reveries, 3Punts Galeria, Barcelona
2019 East of Eden, Museum Montanelli, Prague
2018 The Abyss Stares Back, GAMP, Pilsen
2018 Stipl & Zlamal, Galaria Fravi, Domat Ems, Switzerland
2018 Stipl & Zlamal, Galerie Romerapotheke, Zurich, Switzerland
2017 Stipl & Zlamal, Galeria Enrique Guerrero, Mexico City, Mexico
2016 Drawing Sculpture (Stipl & Zlamal), Laden fuer Nichts, Leipzig
2016 Sculpture and Drawing, Gallery MIRO, Prague (w/ Josef Zlamal)
2016 Stipl & Zlamal, Galeria Fravi, Domat/Ems
2014 Procession, Dvorak Sec Contemporary, Prague
2012 End of Sense, Fait Gallery, Brno
2012 Other Side, Krampf Gallery, Istanbul
2012 In the End, Galeria Enrique Guerrero, Mexico City
2011 Derision, Galerie Dukan & Hourdequin, Paris
2011 Dark Matters, Dvorac Sec Contemporary, Prague
2011 Platos Revenge, GAVU, Cheb
2010 Humors, Chrisopher Cutts Gallery, Toronto
2010 Galerie G207, Academy of Art and Design, Prague
2009 Flegmatik, Stanek 36, Výstaviště Flora, Olomouc
2009 Oblivious Obvious, Galeria Enrique Guerrero, Mexico City
2005 Sabbath, Galeria Enrique Guerrero, Mexico City
2005 Block Sabbath, Claire Oliver Gallery, New York
2005 The Spell, Christopher Cutts Gallery, Toronto
2003 Post Synthetic, Daniel Silverstein Gallery, New York
2001 Sofaset, Christopher Cutts Gallery, Toronto
Exposiciones Colectivas
2020 “Art Madrid” Art Fair, 3 Punts Galeria. Madrid, Spain.
2019“Art Miami” Art Fair, 3 Punts Galeria. Miami, USA
2019“Estampa” Art Fair, 3 Punts Galeria. Madrid, Spain. .
2019“Swab” Art Fair. 3 Punts Galeria. Barcelona, Spain.
2019 Inverse Romanticism, Kunsthalle Bratislava (w/ Ivan Pinkava, Josef Bolf, Martin Gerboc)
2018 Dimensions of Dialogue, Salm Palace, National Gallery Prague (w/ Jake & Dinos Chapman, Marina Abramović, Ron Mueck)
2016 Life Is Painful and Breeds Disappointment, Massakr, vol. 1: Lovecraft, Trafo Gallery, Prague
2016 Ornament of the Masses, Nitranska Gallery, Nitra, Slovakia
2016 This is not Poetry, Robert Runtak Art Collection, Litomyšl
2016 Close to me, Galerie im Park, Bremen
2015 Groteske, Galerie Dukan, Leipzig (w/ Folkert De Jong, Jean Xavier Renaud)
2015 Boží umění, kostel sv. Václava, Prague
2014 Nocturne, Kunsthalle der Sparkasse Leipzig, Leipzig (w/ Tilo Baumgärtel, Stella Hamberg, Markus Uhr)
2013 Dog on Fire, Galerie Caesar, Olomouc
2013 Le Corps, Galerie Dukan, Paris (w/ Folkert de Jong, Alexander Tinei, Josef Bolf)
2013 Prague Biennale 6, Nákladové nádraží Žižkov, Prague
2013 Gallery Artists, Studio Zlamal, Olomouc
2012 Wonders - Masterpieces from Private Collections in Denmark, Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, Denmark
2012 Switch, Galerie Van De Weghe, Antwerp
2010 Decadence Now!, Museum of Applied Arts, Prague
2010 Otherwordly, Museum of Art and Design, New York
2010 New Entries, Galerie Dukan & Hourdequin, Marseille
2009 Open Studios, Meet Factory, Praha
2009 Gallery Artists, Enrique Guerrero Gallery, Mexico City
2008 Face Forward, Columbia University, New York
2008 Mad Love, Arken Museum, Denmark
2007 Meatdistrict, MaMaShow Room, Rotterdam, Netherlands
2007 Songs Of the Apocalypse, Art Mur, Montreal
2007 Darkness Ascends, Museum of Canadian Contemporary Art, Toronto
2006 Blaze Days, Christopher Cutts Gallery, Toronto
2006 Galeria Begona Malone, Madrid
2006 Dancing to the invisible Piper, Art Gallery of Mississauga
2005 The Hell Of the Beautiful, Domus Artium, Contemporary Art Centre, Salamanca, Spain (w/ Mathew Barney, Bill Viola, Jake + Dino Chapman)
2005 About Face, Staten Island Museum, Stanten Island, New York
2005 Gallery Artists, Claire Oliver Gallery, New York
2005 G-Note, Mind Control Gallery,Toronto
2004 Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Greener Pastures
2002 Acelerated Grimace, Daniel Silverstein Gallery, New York
Frieze Art Fair, London
FIAC, Paris
Art Basel, Miami
Armory, New York
Art Brussels, Brussels
Volta Art Fair, Basel
Art Berlin, Berlin
Art Chicago, Chicago
Art Tokyo, Tokyo
Art Dubai, U.A.E.
Art Paris, France
Art Miami, Miami
ARCO, Madrid
MACO, Mexico City
Istanbul Contemporary
DC Dusseldorf
Art Beijing, Beijing
FlashArt Fair, Bologna
TIAF, Toronto
Art Rio