Mr. Brainwash
Nota de premsa
Nascut a França i establert a Los Angeles, l'artista Thierry Guetta (París, 1966), que més endavant es convertiria en Mr. Brainwash, és avui una referència de l'art urbà a escala mundial. Des dels seus inicis a Los Angeles el 2006 fins avui, Mr. Brainwash ha exposat a ciutats com Nova York, Miami, Toronto, Los Angeles, Londres o Ciutat del Cap, ha treballat per a Madonna o Seth McFarlane i ha protagonitzat un documental dirigit per la famosa icona de l'art urbà Banksy. El proper 14 de novembre se exposaran les seves obres més representatives per primera vegada a Espanya a la 3 Punts Galeria de Barcelona, entre les quals hi ha peces úniques sobre tela, cartró i paper de petit, mitjà i gran format, i, creades especialment per la exposició, una sèrie d'obres úniques de petit format i una escultura el motiu de les quals serà un dels símbols més estimats i enyorats de la ciutat: el Floquet de Neu.
CV - Biografia:
(1966, Francia)
Born in Sarcelles, France.
Moved to Los Angeles California.
Starts to film obsessively documenting life from every angle.
Makes his first paintings in his garage.
Opens vintage clothing store in Los Angeles, a well known destination for fashion designers and artists.
Focuses in filming street artists in pursuit of making a documentary, which will become “Life remote control”.
Puts up his first stencils and posters in the streets of L.A, NYC and Paris.
“Life Remote Control” the documentary is presented in Cannes, Off Film Festival.
Banksy invited him to participate in his Can Festival in London.
First solo show, “ Life Is Beautiful” opens in Hollywood. First art cover of LA Weekly, one of Los Angeles most circulated publications. The show lasted 6 months attracting 50,000 visitors, and went on to be one of the most memorable solo shows in LA’s art history.
Creates an image of Obama Superman during the presidential campaign, featured on the front page of The New York Times.
Designs the cover of Madonna’s her greatest hit compilation, “Celebration” and 15 other covers for singles, DVD’s, vinyl records….
First New York solo show “Icons” at the Meatpacking District, extended for 9 months as “Icon Remix” due to an overwhelming success.
Designs the windows of Printemps department store in Paris during their themed inspired “Printemps Loves NY” week. Installed a 20 ft high King Kong tire sculpture in front of the store entrance.
Release of “Exit Through The Gift Shop” at Sundance . The instant cult classic film will receive an Academy Award nomination in best documentary category.
Panelist at Sotheby’s conference with art world luminaries Louise Neri, Gagosian Gallery and Bob Colacello to explore trends among contemporary artist and dealers and their effects on the art market.
with “Under Construction” Pop up show at Art Basel Miami, Mr Brainwash becomes the talk of the fair.
Mural of Madonna for her first “Hard Candy” Gym in Mexico City, Mexico.
First auctions at Philips De Pury & Company in New York and UK . Results exceed by far the high estimates.
Exhibition and installation at the Toronto International Film Festival. For the Grace Kelly TIFF exhibition “Movie Star to Princess.”
Gallery show at Gallery One, Toronto Canada.
Second Pop-Up Show at Art Basel Miami on Collins Ave. it comforts Mr Brainwash as the most talked about and relevant artist of today.
Partners with Google for a one night music and art event in Los Angeles, California.
LA second Solo Show in Los Angeles in 80,000 sq feet abandoned building. Mr one floor was dedicated to showcase donated works from around the globe. Artists were invited to mail in their art or install the artworks themselves.
Private exhibit, Sotheby’s, in Mexico City during Zona Maco Art Fair.
Solo show at Dieresis contemporary Art center in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Designs MTV bus for the Rock the Vote campaign.
UK solo show debut during Olympic Games at The Old Post Office in Central London. Ran form June till Oct and became his most attended show with 250,000 visitors.
Directs DJ’s David Guetta music video for “Metropolis”.
Exhibition at Opera Gallery, Dubai.
Designs Academy Awards after party held by the Oscar host Seth McFarlane.
“Mr. Brainwash” suite and art installation in The Hard Rock Hotel, Palm Springs during the Coachella Music Festival.
American Music Award, designed the backdrop for Coca Cola Red Carpet.
Residency in Gale South Beach hotel during Art Basel. Stages a pop art takeover of the place by installing large-scale oil paintings and sculptures covering the building during Art Basel.
Art War exhibition at Saatchi Gallery, London
creates cover for Rick Ross, “Mastermind “ and a poster for Michael Jackson’s “Xscape” deluxe edition.
Mural of Madonna for her “ Hard Candy” Gym in Toronto, Canada.
Makes a live painting performance on Jimmy Fallon Late Night Show, NY.